30 August 2024

Watford High Street Station Gateway – Over 800 consultation responses

30 August 2024

In August 2023, Urban Initiatives was appointed by Watford Council to prepare a vision and framework plan for the southern part of Watford High Street. The quality of development and the public realm in this area is notably lower than in the successful and thriving parts of Watford town centre further north. The area is fragmented, dominated by traffic from the ring road, and apart from Watford High Street Overground Station, offers little to residents and town centre visitors. The aim of this project is to transform the area into an attractive gateway to the town centre, with improved pedestrian and cycling facilities, quality open spaces, and vibrancy from new developments, including housing.

To support this project, we recently completed an extensive consultation exercise in the study area, aiming to gather insights into local issues, perceptions, and aspirations. Towards the end of July, our staff members Nadya and Subham spent four days in the area, speaking with over 100 people from various walks of life who were passing through. In parallel, an online questionnaire was made available for individuals to leave their feedback. Combined, we gathered an impressive response of over 800 completed questionnaires, which provide a detailed picture of how local people perceive the area, their attitudes towards change, and what improvements they would like to see. The consultation findings will inform the scope of change in the area and shape our recommendations to the council.

Additionally, we have just been appointed to prepare a concept public realm design for a proposed new public space outside Watford High Street Station. This work will also benefit from the consultation findings, enabling us to respond effectively to movement routes and desire lines as well as, the issues, opportunities, and aspirations identified by local people.